

This section of the parish website is dedicated to the various scaraments

including; baptism, confession, confirmation, holy communion, marriage

and anointing of the sick.

Mass intentions can be arranged with the parish office. Mass offering

envelopes are available from the church porch. Completed envelopes

should be posted in the parish office letter box.


Sacrament of Reconciliation  

Or time to talk to the priest.

Saturday – 9.30 – 10:30am


What does the Church teach?



What does the Church Teach?

The parish Christening Team provide assistance to parents wishing to

have their child baptised, by visiting them in their homes, to provide a

welcome and explain the rules and procedures required for a baptism.

They will explain what is  required of the parents and the godparents

and the arrangement for a Family Welcome,  which is held during the

Sunday Mass on the first Sunday of the month,  preceding the proposed

christening .

Parents should contact the Parish Office or a member of the Christening

Team for an “Application for Baptism” form, which when completed should

be returned to the Parish Office.

The Parish Priest has the final say on all Applications and will decide if the

necessary qualifications are met before christenings proceed.

Christenings are held generally on the first Sunday of the month at 12.00

midday, but this arrangement may be affected  by other events on the

church calendar, and move slightly.

“We, the Christening Team, hope that we can help provide a memorable

and happy occasion on this very important first step in the journey of

faith for your child and that this contact with St Teresa’s community

will only be the beginning of your families’ involvement with our church

and the different groups which are available to help parishioners.”

Click on the link below for an application for a Christening at St Teresa`s:


Christening Team – Val and Dave Cookson, Catherine Turner, Lois Rowlands,

Chris and Margaret Mary Osborne, Lucy Woolfenden.


We need new volunteers to join the Christening Team.

Please contact Fr Tony or the Parish office for more information.


Co-ordinator Eucharistic ministers – June Hadden.

More volunteers are welcome to be Eucharistic Ministers. This involves

ministering to people at their homes, usually after Sunday mass once a

month. Training will be made available. Further information is available

from either Fr Tony or June Hadden.


What does the Church Teach?


What does the Church teach?



Wedding preparations are by arrangement, please contact the parish office.

Marriage Registrar: Margaret Mary Osbourne.


What does the Church teach?



If you know of anyone who would like to receive Communion
at home or the Sacrament of the Sick under routine circumstances,
then please contact the parish office.  In case of extreme
emergency contact a priest directly. 

The first Wednesday mass includes Sacrament of the Sick for anyone who

wishes it.

For the last eighteen months of her life St Teresa suffered greatly with illness.

This was a terrible trial for her, yet she remained strong because of her faith

in God`s love. She accepted suffering as God`s will and offered it to Him,

uniting her suffering with that of Jesus on the Cross. She also saw the suffering

of those she loved, particularly her father, who suffered a form of dementia

towards the end of his life.


Are by arrangement. St Teresa`s has a parish Cemetary for parishioners

What does the Church teach?


Is the Lord calling you to be a priest? Click on the link below:

Liverpool Archdiocesan Priestly Vocations

Fr. Stephen Maloney is the Archbishop`s contact for anyone considering

the priesthood in our diocese, and can be contacted on 0151 2878787 or

Serra is the Catholic ministry that supports vocations, click on the link

below for more information:


St Therese of Lisieux Prayer for priests.

O Jesus

I pray for your faithful and fervent priests;

for your unfaithful and tepid priests;

for your priests labouring at home or abroad in distant mission fields.

For your tempted priests;

for your lonely and desolate priests;

for your young priests;

for your dying priests;

for the souls of your priests in Purgatory.

But above all, I recommend to you the priests dearest to me:

the priest who baptised me;

the priests who absolved me from my sins;

the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body

and Blood in Holy Communion;

the priests who taught and instructed me;

all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way.

O Jesus, keep them all close to your heart,

and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity.


What does the Church Teach?

1 thought on “Sacraments”

  1. Hello,Thank you for your beautiful music mrnistiy and sharing you time and talents with all the world. I purchased Be Still and listen to it frequently with many blessings. Is it possible that you sell the sheet music for the song Be Still for piano and guitar? Perhaps I am missing it on your website or online. (or not!)I am a RN nurse of 35 years and a Hospice Nurse for 13 years. I would like to play this song for patients and their families.Thank you for responding to my quest.God Bless.Sincerely, Kathy

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