Helping Others


Mosaic in the bell tower

For further information about helping others both within the parish and

further afield speak to our various parish groups coordinators. Details on

the home and parish groups pages.   Alternatively, contact a member of our

Parish Team.

CAFOD is the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development. It is the

official overseas development and relief agency of the Catholic Church

in England and Wales. CAFOD has been fighting poverty in developing

countries since 1962. CAFOD believes that all human beings have a right

to dignity and respect, and that the world’s resources are a gift to be shared

equally by all men and women, whatever their race, nationality or religion.

CAFOD is a member of the Caritas International Federation, a worldwide

network of Catholic relief and development organisations.

For more information see their website.

CAFOD World Gifts banner long

Below are links to the websites of other organisations you can join to help others:

Nugent Care is a catholic Charity committed to the needs of the vulnerable

and marginalized in our region. Our school collects each Lent for their Good

Shepherd collection. Nugent Care is our chosen parish charity.

Considering making a will? Click on the link below for more information.


St. Teresa is famous for her “Little Way” to God. Put simply, it means that

each of us can achieve a genuine holiness by offering to God every small

act of service or love we perform. Teresa does not teach great acts of

heroism, but rather that each of us should offer every little act of our lives

to God, out of love for Him. “I will spend my heaven doing good on earth.”

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